When laying out a webpage, there are two major models followed by designers and developers and these are full-width layout and fixed box layout. Both of the layout designs have been used for quite a long time. In fact, it was used since the introduction of web design. On the other hand, the box layout approach gained more attention and pushed away full-width design.
The Comeback
But full width would not go without a fight. As a matter of fact, it’s getting popular again with the onset of CSS3 and HTML5. It’s used so the content of websites will span the entire width of the screen regardless of its size.
Why Full Width?
The reason why this design grows into popularity is because of the reason that, there are now new techniques in making the website respond to the device size that is viewing it or size of the browser window.
In a full width layout, it is taking the entire space on the website and it is typically resizing itself in order to fit the screen size in which the user is viewing it on. Instead of doing the layout with grid that’s based on a set pixels, the grid is designed as per the proportions of percentages of screen’ width.