In most cases, industrial robots are referred to as robot arms. You will see them frequently in factories. These robots are widely used to speed up manufacturing and production. While this technology is being perfected yet, we as humans need to know how to get hard to get through the process. The conventional application for robots could be grouped as per its criteria like:
- Type of movement or the degree of freedom
- Application which is basically where it would be used
- Architecture whether it is parallel or serial and;
- Brand
There’s also a new contender in the scene that may or may not be collaborative. As you read on, you’re going to discover the different kinds of robots that are now used in manufacturing and other industries.
Number 1. Cartesian Robots
In these types of robots, you can quickly identify them for being able to use linear slides in 3 different ways.
Number 2. Scara robots
As for the scara robots, these are practically robots that could perform 3 translations combined with rotation around its vertical axis.
Number 3. 6-Axis Robots
With regards to these robots, these are actually robots that are capable of positioning the tools provided to it in a given orientation and position.
Number 4. Redundant Robots
The thing with redundant robots is that, it can position the tool regardless of its position. However, while there are 6-axis robots that could only do a single posture for a given tool position, the redundant robots can do better than that.
In fact, it can accommodate the given tool position using different positions. You can think of this as a human arm that could hold fixed handle while still moving the elbow joints and shoulders. Amazing right?
Number 5. Dual-Arm Robots
As the name suggests, a dual arm robot consists of 2 arms that work together on a certain piece.
Robots for Specific Application
Now, you know the different types of robots that are used in today’s time. Let us talk further about the type of application these robots are designed to. The robot models are made with specific goal in mind.
Of course, there are different applications and thus, expect that there are varying requirements.
To give you an example, painting robots need small payload but, sufficient range of motion and at the same time, has to be explosion proof. Assembly robot on the other hand can work on small areas but is extremely fast and precise in its task. Depending on the goal of the application, the particular industrial robot is would be designed with specific movement, control law, accessory package, linkage dimension and above everything else, software.